Thursday, December 26, 2019

Gel Electrophoresis Separating DNA and RNA - 848 Words

Gel electrophoresis is a procedure used in laboratories to separate DNA, as well as RNA and proteins. A gel slab is placed in a buffer-filled box and an electrical field is applied. The negatively charged DNA will migrate towards the positively charged side, where it can then be recorded and further analyzed. An example for the use of gel electrophoresis would be in identifying people. DNA is present in almost every cell of our body. Each person has a unique sequence of DNA base pairs that makes up our DNA fingerprint. A DNA fingerprint is the same for every cell, tissue and organ of a person. According to Dalya Rosner on the Naked Scientists website, DNA fingerprinting is a technique for determining the likelihood that genetic†¦show more content†¦The more agarose that is used and dissolved, the firmer the gel will be. Typical concentrations used are between 0.3% to 2% (Buckingham, 2012). The concentration depends on the type of analysis needed. A higher concentration of ag arose, making a stiffer gel, would be used to detect smaller DNA fragments (100-3000 bp) while a lower concentration would be used for larger fragments (5000-60,000 bp). For pieces 50,000 bp and over, pulsed field electrophoresis is used where an alternating current is applied (Buckingham, 2012). A gel comb is placed into one side of the gel mold to create holes (wells) in the gel. The gel will need to cool and solidify, about an hour. The comb is then removed, which leaves the empty wells in the gel. Buffer is poured into the electrophoresis box, usually a horizontal acrylic container. The gel, still in the mold, is placed into the buffer inside the box. The gel is slightly submerged in the buffer which will conduct the electrical current in the gel. With a micropipette and a new pipet tip, a loading buffer, which increases the density of the sample, is added to the DNA sample in a tube. The DNA sample is colorless, so a tracking dye, such as bromophenol blue or xylene cyanol is u sed to visually track the DNA movement. The dye migrates at a specific speed similar to the DNA. The sample is then transferred into the first well in the gel. With a new cleanShow MoreRelatedCrime Scenes: Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Essay1467 Words   |  6 Pagesnecessary to be able to identify DNA. Most of the time, this is done using a technique known as gel electrophoresis. Gel electrophoresis is a method used to separate the macromolecules that make up nucleic acids, such as DNA and RNA, along with proteins. Gel electrophoresis is significant because it has given scientists insight on what cells cause certain diseases and has led to advancements in DNA and fingerprint identification. 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