Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Police Brutality And Corruption The Police - 943 Words

Police Brutality and Corruption The police are meant to serve and protect us. They are seen as heroes in our community. So it can be quite shocking and hard to believe that police brutality is a real problem. It is getting worse every day, and it must be fixed. The police have become too comfortable, and think they can do anything they please in the name of justice. It is our job as the community to remind them that they must follow a set of rules themselves. Sooner or later they will be controlling us with fear. The whole system needs to be changed since policemen are turning into the enforcers and not the protectors. Racism is a huge factor why policemen use excessive force.â€Å"A big majority of people who are killed are Latinos and Black people, while the police officers are mostly White, it’s a badge of honor to shoot gang members so [the police] go out and shoot people who look like gang members,† said Mike Prysner, one of the local directors of the Los Angeles c hapter for ANSWER — an advocacy group that asks the public to Act Now to Stop War and End Racism. Since it s always the minorities who face police brutality, our government turns a blind eye to it. â€Å"43% of the shootings occurred after an incident of racial profiling. This means police saw a person who looked, or behaved suspiciously. Largely, because of their skin color and attempted to detain the suspect before killing them.† this was found out by Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, which is a activist organizationShow MoreRelatedEssay on Police Brutality and Corruption681 Words   |  3 PagesPolice Brutality and Corruption Corruption in policing is viewed as the misuse of authority by a police officer acting officially to fulfill his/her personal needs or wants. There are two distinct elements of corruption; 1) misuse of authority, 2) personal attainment. The occupational subculture of policing is a major factor in both creating police corruption, by initiating officers into corrupt activities, and sustaining it, by covering up corrupt activities by other officers. 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